HL Klemove established an information security management system for a responsible information security, and has in place an organization exclusively to conduct information protection.
Strict inspection activities are being conducted to protect the important information assets and client information,
and all company employees and the people related to the company comply with the security management regulations to protect all information assets,
such as business secrets and client security.
Establish a Standard Security Task Procedure For Each Main Management Area
Security Management of the Employees
and Stakeholders
Establish Architecture for IT Security
We conduct special security diagnosis to strength the security management of R&D, which is the core function of HL Klemove. By improving the vulnerabilities of the R&D operating system, such as the cooperation solution, etc., and establishing a security operating standard for each solution, we are conducting security guide education for the operating managers of the R&D operating system.
HL Klemove conducts the security diagnosis on the IT system, each year, in order to prevent an information leak from the IT system. Penetration testing (vulnerability inspection) is conducted each month for the web system opened to the outside to continuously prevent any information breach.
HL Klemove established a management method to clarify and systemize in response to the privacy related information, both in Korea and overseas. Also, we continue to strive to comply with the relevant laws through reflecting any changes to the privacy related laws, conducting personal information protection education, inspecting the status of personal information protection and making improvements, etc.