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Sustainability management system

HL Klemove will strive to create economic,
environmental and social values for sustainable management.

HL Klemove’s Vision System

HL Klemove has selected global champions in
6 focus areas for sustainable growth.

They discuss HL Klemove’s key sustainability agendas, including sustainability policies, activities and results, performance, and improvement plans, on a quarterly basis and report to the Steering Committee.

6 Focus

  • Governance / Ethics

    Establish transparent
    governance and action plans
    to improve ethical

  • Planet

    Climate change response
    through the use of clean energy and recycled materials.

  • Community

    CSR activities tailored to the preservation of community values.

  • Innovation

    Diversify product portfolio through innovations in Clean Technology.

  • People

    Pursuing growth through the consideration of labor, human rights and safety issues.

  • Supply Chain

    Creating a responsible supply chain by addressing sustainability issues.


We are effectively advancing our sustainability management levels by publicly endorsing a wide range of ESG initiatives, and transparently disclosing our sustainability management systems, activities and accomplishments for each of the ESG topics.

  • UN Global Compact

    We are actively implementing the 10 principles of UNGC.

  • K-EV100

    To help improve the air quality and achieve carbon neutrality in the transport sector, we became a member of the K-EV100, an external initiative by the Korean government to transition into zero emission cars. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, companies are encouraged to transition to electric vehicles or hydrogen vehicles for the automobiles they own or lease by 2030. In line with the initiative, we plan to completely switch to zero emission cars for all owned or leased vehicles, and equip each of our plants with charging facilities.


Share reports with various stakeholders on HL Klemove’s management activities and performance.

2023 HL Klemove Sustainability Report

Pursue more responsible management as our influence expands on economy, society, and environment.

2023 HL Klemove Sustainability Report

2022 HL Klemove Sustainability Report

2022 HL Klemove Sustainability Report